Herman Svensen wrote:

I'm currently using Struts where I'm having problem using CSS style attribute 
'float' together with Struts' <s:tabbedPanel />. The content of the tabbedpanel is 
not displayed correctly when for example a <div> inside the tabbedPanel is using the 
'float' attribute. Like this:

<s:tabbedPanel id="tabmenu">
    <s:div id="test1" label="Test" theme="ajax" labelposition="top" >
        <div style="float: right;">
            Hello float!
    <s:div id="test2" label="Test2" theme="ajax" labelposition="top" >

The div block inside tab "test1" is displayed on the outside of the tabbedPanel, but the 
div inside test2 is displayed correctly. Also a <div> outside the tabbedPanel also disrupts the 
layout of tabbedpanel, but I think it's possible to fix with CSS 'clear: both' on the 
<s:tabbedPanel /> itself. I have tested this on both FF and IE7.0.

Any ideas on how this could be solved?

Two ideas:
- use the Web Developer Toolbar or FireBug with FF to view the generated source/DOM. This will give you an appreciation of the nesting of divs and css used by the tabbed panel. Tweak your CSS or override the panel's CSS accordingly - the autoLayout attribute (or something like that) may help you, or may be a hindering you, depending on its default value. Again use the generated source to see its effect.

(sorry, that's the best I can offer)

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