

>From the docs, I found this link/note: To use session-scoped components
with Spring and Struts, see the Spring Session Components Workarounds
analysis.  That led to confluence page that doesn't yet exist. I am
using a session scoped spring bean in a struts 2 action, and it seems to
be working OK, but is there something I might be missing?


My bean is defined as such:


    <bean id="questionSequence"
class="gov.hhs.fda.service.impl.QuestionSequenceImpl" scope="session">




I have the RequestContextListener listener declared as per the Spring
documentation as well.  I'm just wondering what the work around
documentation was supposed to be?


Also, if I have a method getValueObject() on my action that returns a
model, how do I get Spring to use that method to inject my service on
the constructor?  I want something like:


QuestionSequenceImpl( ValueObject vo ){ 

   this.vo= vo;



Thanks in advance!

Michael Griffith


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