The validate() method should be called for any request on that action unless (a) the request is serviced by an excluded method (where the set of excluded methods depends on the interceptor stack you are using and/or an explicit configuration you've specified) or (b) you have switched the 'allways execute validate()' behaviour off.

Please post all the relevant parts of your struts.xml and other configuration, as well as the precise URL you are requesting that results in validate() not being called.


Volker Karlmeier wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Hello Márcio*,

*thanks for your quick answer. Yes, that will work, you're right.
Unfortunately is is not exactly what i would want. You are doing your
validation in the method that is called.
I would prefer the framework to call *validate()* before (!) my method
(in that case "save" ) is called.
This should happen when I subclass from ActionSupport and implement
validate(), but it only seems to work
when the method execute() is called.

I could call validate() from the method save in it's beginning (that's
in fact what I do now), but that not the intention
of the interfaces Validatable/ValidationAware. So I hope, anyone can
give me a hint as I like to write clean, readable
code and do not want to create "workarounds" all the time ;)

Anyway, thanks for the effort.


*Márcio Gurgel schrieb:
Hi Volker,

You can do it with struts xml validator:

Include a xml into your action package like this:

ActionName - alias from action -  validation.xml

* Note that "save" is the name of action in your struts.xml

Nothing better than a real example:

struts.xml -------------------------------------------------------
<action name="salvar" method="salvar"
            <result name="success" type="redirectAction">
                <param name="idUsu">${}</param>
                <param name="actionName">abrirDados</param>
                <param name="namespace">/usuario</param>
            <result type="tiles" name="input">default.usu</result>

UsuAction (Action class) -----------------------------------------
     * Persiste determinado usuário no banco de dados
     * *     Para inserir um usuário deve ser confirmada a não-existência
     *         de outro registro com o mesmo nome de usuário.
     * @return
    public String salvar(){
        //Verifica se a tela possui erros
        if (hasFieldErrors() || hasErrors()){
            return Action.INPUT;

        try {
            if (!getUsuFacade().isSenhaValid(currentUsu.getSenha(),
                addActionError("As senhas informadas devem ser iguais");
                return Action.INPUT;
                if (!getUsuFacade().isChvValid(currentUsu.getChv())){
                    addActionError("Já existe um usuário com este nome,
favor informar um nome diferente");
                    return Action.INPUT;
            else {
                NvlAcso nvlAcso =
                getUsuFacade().incluir(currentUsu, nvlAcso);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            addActionError(SgvdbaConstants.ERRO_DEFAULT + e.getMessage());
            return Action.INPUT;

        return Action.SUCCESS;

UsuAction-salvar-validation.xml (VALIDATION)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator

        <field name="currentUsu.chv">
            <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                <message>Favor inserir um nome de usuário</message>

        <field name="">
            <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                <message>Favor inserir um e-mail</message>
            <field-validator type="email">
                <message>Favor informar um e-mail válido</message>

        <field name="currentUsu.senha">
            <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                <message>Favor inserir uma senha</message>
            <field-validator type="stringlength">
                <param name="minLength">4</param>
                <param name="maxLength">12</param>
                <param name="trim">true</param>
                <message>A senha deve conter no mínimo ${minLength} e no
máximo ${maxLength}</message>


Hope this can help you.
Sorry by text in portuguese on my code, but I guess it's gona be easy to


Hello y'all,

i have quite an interesting problem again.
In my struts.xml i have defined a method to call for my action

Every time my action class is called, the method validate() is executed.
The same action class used with struts.xml-parameter method="save" is also
executed as expected, but validate is never called.
I thought, i could exclude methods from validation, but how do i include
one ?

<interceptor-ref name="validation">
  <param name="includeMethods">save</param>

does not work.

thanks in advance


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