Pranav wrote:

I want to put a validation in struts2 using field-validator type="regex" such that any 
string which contains any of the <, > or any of the alternative representation like &lt; 
should return a validation failure message. How do I do that?. I believe that if I give a pattern 
to regex, it shows error message if it DOES NOT match the pattern but here I know the pattern which 
the input field must not match in order to be valid. Any help?

<field-validator type="regex">
name="expression"><![CDATA[!(^.*(<|>|&lt;|&gt;|&#60;|&#62;)+.*$)]]></param> [i 
want to provide a pattern such that the input string does not match it]
<message>Input has invalid characters</message>

Try <![CDATA[^[^<>...]*$]> -- in other words, match a string of zero or more characters excluding <, >, ...


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