Did you restart the application?
I believe that config file gets loaded at startup.

- Glenn

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Raghu varma bhupathiraju <

> Hi I have the following application done successfully with out validation
> HomePage.jsp
> //////////////////////
> <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-logic" prefix="logic" %>
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] import="java.sql.*"%>
> <html:html locale="true">
> <script>
> function set(){
> var count=document.forms[0].status.length;
> document.forms[0].avalues.value="";
> for(var i=0;i<count;i++){
> if(document.forms[0].status[i].checked==true){
> document.forms[0].status[i].value="checked";
> }else{
>      document.forms[0].status[i].value="ignore";
>   }
>  document.forms[0].avalues.value+=document.forms[0].status[i].value+" ";
>  }
> }
> </script>
> <head>
> <html:base/>
> </head>
> <%!Connection con=null;
> Statement stmt=null;
> ResultSet rs=null;%>
> <% try{
> Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
> Connection
> con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/raghu","root","root");
> stmt=con.createStatement();
> String str="select uname from users";
> rs=stmt.executeQuery(str);
> }
> catch(Exception ex){
> ex.printStackTrace();
> }
> %>
> <body bgcolor="white">
> <html:form action="/process">
> <center><h3><bean:message key="welcome.heading"/></h3></center><br>
> <center>
> <table ><tr><td><html:submit property="parameter" value="addUser"
> />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
> <td><html:select property="action">
> <option value="">select</option>
> <option value="delete">Delete</option>
> </html:select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
> <td><html:submit property="parameter" value="Go" onclick="set()" /></td>
> </tr></table></center>
> <center>
> <table>
> <%  if(rs!=null){
> while(rs.next()){%>
> <tr><td>
> <html:checkbox property="status"   styleId="status"  styleId="status"
> value="unchecked"/></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
> <td><html:link  action="/process3?user=<%=rs.getString(1).toString()%>"
> ><%=rs.getString(1)%></html:link></td></tr>
> <%}}else{}%>
> </table>
> <html:hidden property="avalues" styleId="avalues" />
> </center>
> </html:form>
> </body>
> </html:html>
> /////////////////////////
> Config file
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
>          "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN"
>          "http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/dtds/struts-config_1_1.dtd";>
> <!--
>     This is a blank Struts configuration file with an example
>     welcome action/page and other commented sample elements.
>     Tiles and the Struts Validator are configured using the factory
> defaults
>     and are ready-to-use.
>     NOTE: If you have a generator tool to create the corresponding Java
> classes
>     for you, you could include the details in the "form-bean"
> declarations.
>     Otherwise, you would only define the "form-bean" element itself, with
> the
>     corresponding "name" and "type" attributes, as shown here.
> -->
> <struts-config>
> <!-- ==================================== Data Source Configuration -->
> <!--
>  <data-sources>
>   <data-source>
>     <set-property
>        property="autoCommit"
>        value="false"/>
>     <set-property
>        property="description"
>        value="Example Data Source Configuration"/>
>     <set-property
>        property="driverClass"
>        value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
>     <set-property
>        property="maxCount"
>        value="4"/>
>     <set-property
>        property="minCount"
>        value="2"/>
>     <set-property
>        property="password"
>        value="mypassword"/>
>     <set-property
>        property="url"
>        value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydatabase"/>
>     <set-property
>        property="user"
>        value="myusername"/>
>   </data-source>
>  </data-sources>
> -->
> <!-- ======================================== Form Bean Definitions -->
>    <form-beans>
>        <form-bean
>            name="inputForm"
>            type="com.bob.StrutsTask.TaskForm"/>
>    <!-- sample form bean descriptor for a DynaActionForm
>        <form-bean
>            name="logonForm"
>            type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm">
>            <form-property
>                name="username"
>                type="java.lang.String"/>
>            <form-property
>                name="password"
>                type="java.lang.String"/>
>    end sample -->
>    </form-beans>
> <!-- ================================= Global Exception Definitions -->
>    <global-exceptions>
>        <!-- sample exception handler
>        <exception
>            key="expired.password"
>            type="app.ExpiredPasswordException"
>            path="/changePassword.jsp"/>
>        end sample -->
>    </global-exceptions>
> <!-- =================================== Global Forward Definitions -->
>    <global-forwards>
>        <!-- Default forward to "Welcome" action -->
>        <!-- Demonstrates using index.jsp to forward -->
>    </global-forwards>
> <!-- =================================== Action Mapping Definitions -->
>    <action-mappings>
>            <!-- Default "Welcome" action -->
>            <!-- Forwards to Welcome.jsp -->
>        <action
>            path="/process" name="inputForm"
>            type="com.bob.StrutsTask.StrutsAction" parameter="parameter"
>            input="/pages/HomePage.jsp" >
>            <forward name="add" path="/pages/add.jsp"/>
>             <forward name="success" path="/pages/HomePage.jsp"/>
>               <forward name="failed" path="/pages/HomePage.jsp"/>
>       </action>
>       <action
>     path="/process2" name="inputForm"
>            type="com.bob.StrutsTask.StrutsAction" parameter="parameter"
>            input="/pages/add.jsp" >
>             <forward name="success" path="/pages/HomePage.jsp"/>
>              </action>
>     <action
>     path="/process3" name="inputForm"
>            type="com.bob.StrutsTask.UserAction"
>            input="/pages/HomePage.jsp">
>            <forward name="success" path="/pages/add.jsp"/>
>              </action>
>    </action-mappings>
> <!-- ===================================== Controller Configuration -->
>    <controller
>       processorClass="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor"/>
> <!-- ================================ Message Resources Definitions -->
>    <message-resources parameter="java.resources.application"/>
> <!-- ======================================= Plug Ins Configuration -->
>  <!-- ========== Tiles plugin ===================  -->
>  <!--
>                      -->
>  <!--
>     This plugin initialize Tiles definition factory. This later can takes
> some
>         parameters explained here after. The plugin first read parameters
> from
> web.xml, then
>         overload them with parameters defined here. All parameters are
> optional.
>         The plugin should be declared in each struts-config file.
>       - definitions-config: (optional)
>            Specify configuration file names. There can be several comma
>                    separated file names (default: ?? )
>       - moduleAware: (optional - struts1.1)
>            Specify if the Tiles definition factory is module aware. If
> true
> (default),
>                        there will be one factory for each Struts module.
>                        If false, there will be one common factory for all
> module. In this later
> case,
>                        it is still needed to declare one plugin per
> module. The factory will be
>                        initialized with parameters found in the first
> initialized plugin
> (generally the
>                        one associated with the default module).
>                          true : One factory per module. (default)
>                          false : one single shared factory for all modules
>           - definitions-parser-validate: (optional)
>                Specify if xml parser should validate the Tiles
> configuration file.
>                          true : validate. DTD should be specified in file
> header. (default)
>                          false : no validation
>          Paths found in Tiles definitions are relative to the main
> context.
>  -->
>  <!-- comment following if struts1.0.x -->
>  <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" >
>    <set-property property="definitions-config"
>                         value="/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml" />
>    <set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" />
>    <set-property property="definitions-parser-validate" value="true" />
>  </plug-in>
>  <!-- end comment if struts1.0.x -->
>  <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
>    <set-property
>        property="pathnames"
>        value="/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml,/WEB-INF/validation.xml"/>
>  </plug-in>
> </struts-config>
> ////////
> TaskForm.java
> package com.bob.StrutsTask;
> import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
> public class TaskForm extends ActionForm{
>        String parameter="";
>    String action="";
>    String uname="";
>    String password="";
>   String repassword="";
>    String role="";
>    String fname="";
>    String lname="";
>    String company="";
>    String email="";
>    String phone="";
>    String baddress="";
>    String saddress="";
>    String bcity="";
>    String scity="";
>    String bstate="";
>    String sstate="";
>    String bzip="";
>    String szip="";
>    String bcountry="";
>    String scountry="";
>    String status[];
>    String user="";
>    String avalues="";
>        public String getAction() {
>                return action;
>        }
>        public void setAction(String action) {
>                this.action = action;
>        }
>        public String getCompany() {
>                return company;
>        }
>        public void setCompany(String company) {
>                this.company = company;
>        }
>        public String getEmail() {
>                return email;
>        }
>        public void setEmail(String email) {
>                this.email = email;
>        }
>        public String getFname() {
>                return fname;
>        }
>        public void setFname(String fname) {
>                this.fname = fname;
>        }
>        public String getLname() {
>                return lname;
>        }
>        public void setLname(String lname) {
>                this.lname = lname;
>        }
>        public String getParameter() {
>                return parameter;
>        }
>        public void setParameter(String parameter) {
>                this.parameter = parameter;
>        }
>        public String getPassword() {
>                return password;
>        }
>        public void setPassword(String password) {
>                this.password = password;
>        }
>        public String getPhone() {
>                return phone;
>        }
>        public void setPhone(String phone) {
>                this.phone = phone;
>        }
>        public String getRole() {
>                return role;
>        }
>        public void setRole(String role) {
>                this.role = role;
>        }
>        public String getUname() {
>                return uname;
>        }
>        public void setUname(String uname) {
>                this.uname = uname;
>        }
>        public String getBaddress() {
>                return baddress;
>        }
>        public void setBaddress(String address) {
>                baddress = address;
>        }
>        public String getBcity() {
>                return bcity;
>        }
>        public void setBcity(String bcity) {
>                this.bcity = bcity;
>        }
>        public String getBcountry() {
>                return bcountry;
>        }
>        public void setBcountry(String bcountry) {
>                this.bcountry = bcountry;
>        }
>        public String getBstate() {
>                return bstate;
>        }
>        public void setBstate(String bstate) {
>                this.bstate = bstate;
>        }
>        public String getBzip() {
>                return bzip;
>        }
>        public void setBzip(String bzip) {
>                this.bzip = bzip;
>        }
>        public String getRepassword() {
>                return repassword;
>        }
>        public void setRepassword(String repassword) {
>                this.repassword = repassword;
>        }
>        public String getSaddress() {
>                return saddress;
>        }
>        public void setSaddress(String saddress) {
>                this.saddress = saddress;
>        }
>        public String getScity() {
>                return scity;
>        }
>        public void setScity(String scity) {
>                this.scity = scity;
>        }
>        public String getScountry() {
>                return scountry;
>        }
>        public void setScountry(String scountry) {
>                this.scountry = scountry;
>        }
>        public String getSstate() {
>                return sstate;
>        }
>        public void setSstate(String sstate) {
>                this.sstate = sstate;
>        }
>        public String getSzip() {
>                return szip;
>        }
>        public void setSzip(String szip) {
>                this.szip = szip;
>        }
>        public String[] getStatus() {
>                return status;
>        }
>        public void setStatus(String[] status) {
>                this.status = status;
>        }
>        public String getUser() {
>                return user;
>        }
>        public void setUser(String user) {
>                this.user = user;
>        }
>        public String getAvalues() {
>                return avalues;
>        }
>        public void setAvalues(String avalues) {
>                this.avalues = avalues;
>        }
> }
> //////////
> Action class
> package com.bob.StrutsTask;
> import java.sql.Connection;
> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
> import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
> import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
> import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
> import org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction;
> public class StrutsAction extends DispatchAction {
>        public ActionForward addUser(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
> form,
> HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
> {
>                return  mapping.findForward("add");
>        }
>        public ActionForward Go(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
> HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
> {
>                TaskForm tform=(TaskForm)form;
>                System.out.println("entered into action");
>                UserDetails udetails=new UserDetails();
>                Connection con=udetails.getConnection();
>                System.out.println("entered into action2");
>                String status=udetails.deleteUsers(tform,con);
>                return  mapping.findForward("success");
>                }
>        public ActionForward SaveUser(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
> form,
> HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
> {
>                TaskForm tform=(TaskForm)form;
>                UserDetails udetails=new UserDetails();
>                Connection con=udetails.getConnection();
>                String status=udetails.saveData(tform,con);
>                return  mapping.findForward(status);
>                }
>        public ActionForward UpdateUser(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
> form,
> HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
> {
>                TaskForm tform=(TaskForm)form;
>                UserDetails udetails=new UserDetails();
>                Connection con=udetails.getConnection();
>                String status=udetails.updateData(tform,con);
>                return  mapping.findForward(status);
>                }
> }
> ///
> UserDetails.java
> package com.bob.StrutsTask;
> import java.sql.Connection;
> import java.sql.DriverManager;
> import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
> import java.sql.ResultSet;
> import java.sql.SQLException;
> import java.sql.Statement;
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm;
> public class UserDetails {
>        Connection con=null;
>        Statement stmt=null;
>        ResultSet rs=null;
>        ArrayList ar=null;
>        public Connection getConnection(){
>                try{
>                Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
> con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/raghu","root","root");
>                }catch(Exception ex){
>              con=null;
>                }
>                return con;
>        }
>        public ArrayList getUserDetails(String user,Connection con)throws
> Exception{
>                try{
>                stmt=con.createStatement();
>                System.out.println(user);
>                String str="select * from users where uname='"+user+"'";
>                rs=stmt.executeQuery(str);
>                ar=new ArrayList();
>                if(rs!=null){
>                while(rs.next()){
>                        System.out.println(rs.getString(1).toString());
>                        System.out.println(rs.getString(2).toString());
>                        System.out.println(rs.getString(3).toString());
>                ar.add(rs.getString(1));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(2));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(3));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(4));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(5));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(6));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(7));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(8));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(9));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(10));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(11));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(12));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(13));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(14));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(15));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(16));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(17));
>                ar.add(rs.getString(18));
>                }
>                }else{
>                        System.out.println("result set is empty");
>                }
>                }catch(SQLException sex){
>                        sex.printStackTrace();
>                }
>                return ar;
>                }
>        public String saveData(TaskForm tform,Connection con){
>                String status="";
>                 status="failed";
>                String uname=tform.getUname().toString();
>                String pswd=tform.getPassword().toString();
>                String role=tform.getRole().toString();
>                String fname=tform.getFname().toString();
>                String lname=tform.getLname().toString();
>                String company=tform.getCompany().toString();
>                String email=tform.getEmail().toString();
>                long phone=Long.parseLong(tform.getPhone().toString());
>                String baddress=tform.getBaddress().toString();
>                String saddress=tform.getSaddress().toString();
>                String bcity=tform.getBcity().toString();
>                String scity=tform.getScity().toString();
>                String bstate=tform.getBstate().toString();
>                String sstate=tform.getSstate().toString();
>                String bzip=tform.getBzip().toString();
>                String szip=tform.getSzip().toString();
>                String bcountry=tform.getBcountry().toString();
>                String scountry=tform.getScountry().toString();
>                try{
>                if(con!=null){
>                        String fquery="select * from users where
> uname='"+uname+"' and
> pswd='"+pswd+"'";
>                        Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
>                        ResultSet rst=stmt.executeQuery(fquery);
>                                if(rst!=null){
>                                        if(rst.next()){
>                        }else{
>                        String query="insert into users
> values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
>                        PreparedStatement
> pstmt=con.prepareStatement(query);
>                        pstmt.setString(1,uname);
>                        pstmt.setString(2,pswd);
>                        pstmt.setString(3,role);
>                        pstmt.setString(4,fname);
>                        pstmt.setString(5,lname);
>                        pstmt.setString(6,company);
>                        pstmt.setString(7,email);
>                        pstmt.setLong(8,phone);
>                        pstmt.setString(9,baddress);
>                        pstmt.setString(10,saddress);
>                        pstmt.setString(11,bcity);
>                        pstmt.setString(12,scity);
>                        pstmt.setString(13,bstate);
>                        pstmt.setString(14,sstate);
>                        pstmt.setString(15,bzip);
>                        pstmt.setString(16,szip);
>                        pstmt.setString(17,bcountry);
>                        pstmt.setString(18,scountry);
>                        pstmt.executeUpdate();
>                }}
>                        status="success";
>                }}catch(Exception ex){
>                        ex.printStackTrace();
>                }
>           return status;
>        }
>        public String updateData(TaskForm tform,Connection con){
>                String status="failed";
>                try{
>                        if(con!=null){
>                                String query="update users set
> pswd=?,role=?,fname=?,lname=?,company=?,email=?,phone=?," +
>                        "
> baddress=?,saddress=?,bcity=?,scity=?,bstate=?,sstate=?,bzip=?,szip=?,bcountry=?"
> +
>                        ",scountry=? where uname=?";
>                                PreparedStatement
> pstmt=con.prepareStatement(query);
>  pstmt.setString(1,tform.getPassword().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(2,tform.getRole().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(3,tform.getFname().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(4,tform.getLname().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(5,tform.getCompany().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(6,tform.getEmail().toString());
>  pstmt.setLong(7,Long.parseLong(tform.getPhone().toString()));
>  pstmt.setString(8,tform.getBaddress().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(9,tform.getSaddress().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(10,tform.getBcity().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(11,tform.getScity().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(12,tform.getBstate().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(13,tform.getSstate().toString());
>  pstmt.setInt(14,Integer.parseInt(tform.getBzip().toString()));
>  pstmt.setInt(15,Integer.parseInt(tform.getSzip().toString()));
>  pstmt.setString(16,tform.getBcountry().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(17,tform.getScountry().toString());
>  pstmt.setString(18,tform.getUname().toString());
>                                pstmt.executeUpdate();
>                                status="success";
>                        }}
>                        catch(Exception ex){
>                                ex.printStackTrace();
>                        }
>                return status;
>        }
>        public String deleteUsers(TaskForm tform,Connection con){
>                String status="failed";
>                try{
>                String action=tform.getAction().toString();
>                if(action.equalsIgnoreCase("delete")){
>                String array=tform.getAvalues();
>            String[] values=array.split(" ");
>            int count=values.length;
>            System.out.println(count);
>               for(int i=0;i<count;i++){
>                   System.out.println(values[i]);
>               }
>                Statement
> stmt=con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
>                ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
>                rs=stmt.executeQuery("select* from users");
>                 int index=0;
>                 while(rs.next()){
>                         if(values[index].equalsIgnoreCase("checked")){
>                                 rs.deleteRow();
>                         }
>                         index++;
>                 }
>                 status="success";
>                }else{
>                        status="failed";
>                }
>                }catch(SQLException ex){
>                        ex.printStackTrace();
>                }catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aex){
>                        aex.printStackTrace();
>                }
>                return status;
>        }
> }
> //////
> I run the program successfully but when i changed Action form to validator
> form and inserted attribute
> validate="true" in config file.and populated validate.xml
> i m not getting error but
> when i
> tried to execute
> no action is trrigering in jsp
> if i click add user or Go also no action is occuring
> Can i change Action form to validatore form in middle of application
> if i change again to action form the application is working properly.
> Can any one help me in this regards
> thanks in advance
> Raghu varma bhupathiraju
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Plz-help-not-getting-o-p-when-changed-to-validator-form-tp17062809p17062809.html
> Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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