Where and how do you listen for the topics. I have currently 4 autocompleter 
boxes hooked together using notify and listen attributes [though I am using, and it seems you are using 2.1.x]. If it is of any help here is my 
<s:autocompleter dropdownHeight="100" name="customer.site" id="customer.site" 
list="#application.sites" notifyTopics="/prodchanged" />
<s:autocompleter name="ticket.category" id="ticket.category" 
formId="newTicketFormId" href="/ccol/ticket/ajaxCategories.action" 
cssStyle="width: 300px;" notifyTopics="/catchanged,checkhost" 
listenTopics="/prodchanged" />
On every change being made in my first autocompleter, the second one gets 
updated accordingly
hope it helps.

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