So what's the best way to get the latest 2.1.3 snapshot as source?
Only the jars seem to be in the maven snapshot repo...

Are there any instructions on doing that somewhere? I've looked but
can't find them...

2008/7/3 Jeromy Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Mike Watson wrote:
>> Hi Jeromy,
>> I've finally found time to try to resolve this but haven't had much luck.
>> Just to recap, I'm looking to be able to do something similar to the
>> following:
>> /book -> returns a list of books
>> /book/123 -> returns book with id 123
>> /book/123/chapter/1 -> return chapter with id 1, retrieved from book
>> 123 (this is a simplistic example, all resources have a unique ID)
>> I'd also like to be able to control access based on the
>> context/namespace used to access a resource e.g.:
>> /logo/abc -> read or update
>> /book/123/logo/abc -> read only
>> (would I need multiple LogoControllers for this?)
>> Using Namespaces as described by Jeromy below certainly seems to make
>> sense but as soon as I start to try the example provided I lose the
>> ability to GET /book/123, and I've tried with BookController having
>> namespace of "/" or "/book" and neither works. And so far I haven't
>> been able to successfully hit the ChapterController using a url like
>> /book/123/chapter.
>> Am I missing something really obvious? Is there something I need to
>> put in the struts.xml to configure the namespaces as well as using the
>> @Namespace annotation?
>> Jeromy, you seem to be pretty knowledgeable about this - can you think
>> of anything I might be doing wrong?
>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>> Mike
> Hi Mike, I'll throw a quick answer together now and try to give you a more
> in-depth one in a day or two by building an example.
> The steps are:
> 1. ensure struts is up-to-date. (2.1.3-SNAPSHOT preferably, to ensure you
> have the latest ActionMappingParamsInterceptor)
> 2. enable the NamedVariablePatternMatcher via struts.xml 3. Create the
> BookController in the root namespace.  GET /book/123 will invoke
> with id=123
> 4. Create the ChapterController in the namespace containing the book id
> variable (/book/{bookid}). GET /book/123/chapter will invoke
> ChapterContoller.index() with bookId=123.
> ie.
> @Namespace("/")
> public class BookController implements ModelDriven<Book> {  }
> @Namespace("/book/{bookId}")
> public class ChapterController implements ModelDriven<Chapter> {  }
> Now that's what *should* happen.  I use it in a large application that
> includes many other related tweaks so I'll throw together a vanilla sample
> and post it somewhere.
> I'll come back to the authorization issue separately.  The quick answer is
> that you can omit methods that are never permitted and/or filter URLs based
> on a URI pattern and/or user's role.
> regards,
> Jeromy Evans
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