On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Alberto A. Flores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are correct, the default is REQUEST (if no dispatcher is specified).


> The spec clearly doesn't specify whether a forward or a response.redirect()
> is used. This means that it is up to the container to decide how this is
> implemented. Depending on your portability requirements, this may or may not
> be an issue (Tomcat vs Weblogic, Resin, etc)...

Hmm, the whole point of 'following the spec' as you put it and indeed
as I see it is to avoid portability problems ...

Translocatability ... that's a big 'Buzzword Bingo' word that I
remember from my training days, or maybe that's something else,

Anyway if moving to a different container might mean having to change
something (anything?) because Struts2 breaks if you don't, might mean
not using Struts2 ... which would be a shame because after years of
avoiding frameworks because ... well just because I like rolling my
own, I actually like some of the Struts2 features ... i18n is a breeze
for example (this whole idea of binding form input fields to buisness
component private attributes on the other hand is just plain NASTY).

Anyway, I will struggle on and no doubt come to a conclusion eventually

Thanks again for all the input on this


> Lyallex wrote:
>> OK, I think I've twigged this now
>> Every jsp page has this include
>> <jsp:include page="header.jsp"></jsp:include>
>> recently I have included this in header.jsp (I'm messing around with
>> Struts2 i18n)
>> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri= "/struts-tags" %>
>> ...
>> <span class='header'><s:text name="header.welcome"/></span>
>> If I go back to this config in web.xml ..
>> <filter-mapping>
>>   <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
>>   <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>> </filter-mapping>
>> ...
>> <welcome-file-list>
>>   <welcome-file>/welcome.jsp</welcome-file>
>> </welcome-file-list>
>> ... when I access the site the welcome page with it's included header
>> loads fine.
>> So obviously the request is going through the filter.
>> If I then click the login link it all goes horribly wrong.
>> looking at the exception trace it appears that login.jsp which also
>> loads the header is where the problem lies
>> So, it appears that there is a forward going on (or at least a redirect)
>> somewhere when Tomcat sees that I am trying to access a protected resource
>> This makes sense as I'm trying to access a servlet (Login) but I
>> actually get a jsp (login.jsp)
>> according to http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd another
>> valid value for
>> <dispatcher> is INCLUDE so I tried this on it's own ... boom, it all
>> went wrong,
>> so it looks like the default behaviour for the filter mapping thing is
>> If you add any dispatcher then that seems to override the default config.
>> Distressingly (perhaps)
>> <filter-mapping>
>>   <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
>>   <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>>   <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>
>>   <dispatcher>INCLUDE</dispatcher>
>> </filter-mapping>
>> Doesn't do it, it has to be
>> <filter-mapping>
>>   <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
>>   <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>>   <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>
>>   <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher>
>> </filter-mapping>
>> phew, got there in the end
>> I'm still not entirely convinced I've got to the bottom of things as
>> I'm sure I had this working with the tags in the header
>> but without the <dispatcher> stuff ... then again it's been a long
>> week and I'm probably mistaken.
>> Anyway, whoever said there was a forward going on ... take a bow, you
>> were right and I was talking tosh
>> If it's true that this fix does indeed break in some versions of IE
>> then we are in a spot of bother with this.
>> Thanks for the input, it got me thinking.
>> Rgds
>> lyallex
>> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Lyallex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> Tomcat version  5.5.26
>>> Struts2 version
>>> I'm trying to understand why, given the following in web.xml requests
>>> sometimes 'miss out' the Struts2 filter
>>> <filter>
>>>  <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
>>>  <filter-class>org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher</filter-class>
>>> </filter>
>>> <filter-mapping>
>>>  <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
>>>  <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>>> </filter-mapping>
>>> It appears to really only be an issue with web.xml declarative security
>>> Reading around the various archives it appears that this is a know issue
>>> when trying to use Struts2 Actions as the target but I'm not trying to do
>>> that
>>> I just use a standard jsp.
>>> <odd>
>>> The really odd thing is that the login process works perfectly
>>> sometimes and sometimes it fails with the (apparently well known) message
>>> The Struts dispatcher cannot be found.
>>> This is usually caused by using Struts tags without the associated filter
>>> ...
>>> </odd>
>>> Here's the login config
>>> <login-config>
>>>  <auth-method>FORM</auth-method>
>>>  <realm-name>Form based authentication</realm-name>
>>>  <form-login-config>
>>> <form-login-page>/login.jsp</form-login-page>
>>> <form-error-page>/login.jsp</form-error-page>
>>>  </form-login-config>
>>> </login-config>
>>> Someone, somwhere on my journey through the archives suggested this fix.
>>> <filter-mapping>
>>>  <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
>>>  <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>>>  <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>
>>>  <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher>
>>> </filter-mapping>
>>> It does appear to solve the problem I was just wondering why ?
>>> Is there a definitive resolution to this problem out there somewhere ?
>>> TIA
>>> lyallex
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