I have a situateion where I'm loading application specific settings via a Properties object on initialization. I'm storing the Properties object up into the ApplicationMap (heck it could be in the SessionMap, I'm easy), but i can't seem to switch JSP behaviour based on information in the Properties map.

I'm wondering if this is because Properties isn't exactly a HashMap, so the #attr.mapname.somekey isn't working.

If I have a Properties object called 'props' in the SessionMap (or anywhere on the stack actually), I should be able to get to it via #attr - what's the proper syntax?

Java-wise, it's

Property p = new Properties;
String value = p.getProperty("somekey")

but naturally I don't want to do this in a scriptlet.


Dave Belfer-Shevett \ KB1FWR \ JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
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