--- On Tue, 7/22/08, Brian Daddino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm new to Struts 2.   I have searched the web but can
> not find anything on my issue.

Did you look at the S2 documentation wiki? It answers these questions.

> What do I put in the value field of my property tag?

Here's some pseudo-code based loosely on your requirements.

<s:property "contact.name"/>
<s:iterator value="contact.contacts">
  <s:property value="email"/>
  <s:property value="phone"/>

The contact is exposed by the action.

The <s:property.../> tags call, in this example, getEmail() on each object 
being iterated over. An alternative way would be:

<s:iterator value="contact.contacts" id="aContact">
  <s:property value="#aContact.email"/>
  <s:property value="#aCotnact.phone"/>

I'd recommend looking over some of the basics on the S2 wiki.


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