
Jishnu Viswanath

Software Engineer

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Tavant Technologies Inc.,


-----Original Message-----
From: Pranav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 4:28 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Dojo javascript errors with ajax theme. please help

Hi Jerome,

I tried this but unfortunately their dojo's svn does not have the
release 0.4.0 anymore. I could only get the source code for release
0.4.3 from their download section. Do you think that will work? If not,
can you tell me the exact svn location from where I can get the release
0.4.0 of dojo?


----- Original Message ----
From: Pranav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:57:15 AM
Subject: Re: Dojo javascript errors with ajax theme. please help

Hi Jerome,

You're a lifesaver. Thanks for your tips. I will try them out today. I
fixed my issue temporarily yesterday by extracting the jar file, and
manually creating copies of gregorian.js and gregorianExtras.js etc to
appropriate locations and the problem did go away but I will surely put
in this permanent fix to improve performance.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jeromy Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 5:38:55 AM
Subject: Re: Dojo javascript errors with ajax theme. please help

Pranav wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am using <s:head theme="ajax"/> in my jsp files. I have included
everything as per struts2 docs. But when I launch the page in FireFox,
they show me 404 errors for several javascript files. 
> Example are:
> ../struts/dojo/src/i18n/calendar/nls/en-us/gregorian.js
> ../struts/dojo/src/i18n/calendar/nls/en/gregorianExtras.js
> ../struts/dojo/src/i18n/calendar/nls/en-us/gregorianExtras.js
> ../struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/en/TimePicker.js
> ../struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/en-us/TimePicker.js
> ../mcpages/struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/en/DropdownTimePicker.js
> ../struts/dojo/src/widget/nls/en-us/DropdownTimePicker.js
> When I opened the struts2-core-2.0.11.jar file that my project is
using, I did not find these files at all. I am not using any of these
components like date-time picker or calendar objects but for some reason
dojo plugin tries to GET these files. This gives a lot of problem in our
pre-prod system where firewalls and proxies are installed. Can someone
please help me get rid of these errors? What will I have to do? I will
really appreciate help from experts.
> Thanks
> Pranav

In Struts 2.0.x, the files are bundled in the jar under 
org/apache/struts/static or somewhere nearby.

The are served by the struts filter only if the filter path enables it 
(eg. /*) and if the property struts.serve.static=true (default true).

In a production system, it's a very good idea to extract the files and 
serve them directly from Apache or your container as there'll be a 
significant performance improvement (very significant if apache serves 

I'm not sure why it would be loading the timepicker and date picker if 
you're not using them - check the html to see why there's a Requires 

In a production system, a good idea to create a custom dojo profile (in 
this case, for example, to remove locale files).  It makes a massive 
performance improvement by reducing the large number of GETs.

Hope that helps.
Jeromy Evans

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