Dave Newton <newton.dave <at> yahoo.com> writes:
> It already does; not sure what I was thinking there. (I do know; I was looking
at the wrong code.)
> I'm able to access parameters set via a nested <s:param.../> using both <c:out
> and ${param.foo}. 
> If the value is coming from the action then you shouldn't even need to set it
via an <s:param.../> since the
> value stack is available in included pages--action properties are available
via both S2 tags and EL (via
> the custom request hoobie-doobie).

OK I'm now a little confused.  It sounds like you're reversing yourself from the
first reply and that what I was trying should work?  Can you see something
different between your test case and the code I sent before?  

I can't use use the action's properties, since different actions back the
different views that use this snippet.  In all cases the needed property is
navigateable from exposed properties, however.  Hence the desire to use the
include to effectively rename the property from the main result jsp to the
included snippet.


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