If you want less boilerplate code you should consider using Groovy for your

On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Lyallex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Good Morning
> I have an Action called SomeAction
> it has a field called someInt
> public class SomeAction extends ActionSupport{
>   private int someInt;
>   public int getSomeInt(){return someInt;}
>   public void setSomeInt(int someInt){this.someInt = someInt;}
> }
> when this action is invoked from a form with value convertable to an
> int, then in the renderer I get hold of someInt like this
> <s:property value="someInt/>
> This only works if there is a getter for someInt
> If I go on to edit someInt in a form with this tag in it
> <s:textfield name="someInt"/>
> then the value of the field is set because I provide a setter for someInt
> If I do this
> public class SomeAction extends ActionSupport{
>   public int someInt;
>   //no setter or getter, the attribute is public
> }
> Then everything works fine
> The question is
> If less code good, more code bad then why bother with the setters and
> getters.
> This is not a question about the merits of encapsulation and
> information hiding in Object Oriented systems
> It is a question about the reason for not making fields public in a
> Struts2 Action.
> Lyallex
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