I noticed that you have this:

> <context-param>
>    <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name>
>    <param-value>/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml</param-value>
> </context-param>

but the prosoc-spring-beans.xml is not listed, so Spring won't know to
pick it up. I did see that prosoc-spring-beans.xml was listed as an
init-param to the uk.co.prodia.prosoc.Config servlet. I'm not sure what
that is doing though.

Try changing the contextConfigLocation param value from this:
to this:

If the the uk.co.prodia.prosoc.Config servlet is manually loading
Spring, instead you could have it use Spring's
WebApplicationContextUtils (which is what StrutsSpringObjectFactory uses
to lookup beans), rather than manually configuring it. Then you'll have
one instance of Spring to manage all the beans, and the Struts 2
integration should work fine.

Hopefully you can edit the code in uk.co.prodia.prosoc.Config servlet!

Brad Cupit
Louisiana State University - UIS

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