--- On Tue, 8/19/08, prashanth2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to know how and if it is possible to call a
> dialog box from a iframe? Or have the dialog box pop out 
> from an iframe? and how can i pass variables from dialog 
> box to my struts action class, if so how to retrieve
> them in my action, do i need to get the values using
> "httpservletrequest"? inbuilt dojo0.4 with s2 is not 
> supportive, so i started using dojo1.1.1. Is this 
> helpful. Your comments, questions anything would be
> appreciated?

All but one of your questions would be better asked on a Dojo or HTML forum or 
mailing list.

> [...] and how can i pass variables from dialog 
> box to my struts action class, if so how to retrieve
> them in my action, do i need to get the values using
> "httpservletrequest"?

You "pass them" by making an HTTP request to your Struts application. You 
access them in your application the same way as any other request parameters, 
generally by creating action properties with the same name as the request 
parameters. The Struts documentation, the showcase app, various online 
tutorials, and several books all cover this.


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