Thanks Dave.

I've included a page break just before the static text. But as the static text is almost an another page, it is going out of page dimensions and I m not able to compile the report. For another report, the end text is small and I m getting according to my wish. For large static text, if adjusted with in page boundaries, the text is being cropped and is displaying only some portion.

Isn't possible to include two .jasper's in location param, like comma separated or by some other means?


Dave Newton wrote:
--- On Fri, 8/22/08, ManiKanta G wrote:
 But in Jasper report, we can have only one page per report
and so I m nit able to add a full page static text. When I googled for this, I found this can be implemented using 2 or more jasper reports and merging them as a single final report.

Can any one tell me how to merge two jasper reports usign
S2 Jasper plugin?

You'd need to merge them in JR somehow, or define the report in such a way that 
the extra text will split over pages etc.


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