I am having this same problem. Have you had any luck fixing this?

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Jimmy Shabadoo

> Hi Folks,
> I have a class, Item, that has a Set of ItemCertifications. I want to
> represent ItemCertifications as a select box with the attribute
> multiple="true".
> Following is the jsp fragment that renders the select box:
> <s:select label="Cerficiations"
>        name="itemCertifications"
>        list="certificationList"
>        listKey="id"
>        listValue="name"
>        multiple="true"
>        size="3"
>        value="%{model.itemCertifications.{certification.id}}"
>        />
> The jsp page displays a muti-select field, and the list of certifications
> is
> displayed with the correct ones pre-selected. So far so good...
> However when I submit the form, I get a validation error [Invalid field
> value for field "itemCertifications"] although I am doing no validation on
> the field.
> My hunch is that this is some kind of type conversion problem... but all
> lists' ids are Long values, which is one of the auto-converted data types
> according to this: http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/type-conversion.html.
> Further leading me to believe it's a type conversion issue is that the
> setter method I would expect struts to call ( public void
> setItemCertifications(Long [] ids){} ) is never called...
> I'm using struts 2.0.11...
> Any ideas?

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