Miguel wrote:

I'm currently writing a form based on a set, and each object of the
set has it's own textfield and it's own id/name.
The question is the way i read the returned value in the action.
I've tried using a map, but puting the varname[key] doesn't work; How
can I acomplish this using struts2?
The goal is to have the map filled with the keys and values simultaneously.

<s:form id="questedit_form" name="form1" method="post"
action="questionaire/questionaire.action" cssClass=""
        <s:iterator value="metrics">
           <s:set id="description" value="description" />
           <s:set id="id" value="id" />
           <s:set id="value" value="value" />

Why the s:set tags? They shouldn't be necessary and you're not using the resulting context variables anyway (you'd have to refer to #id, #description, etc instead of just id, description, ...).

           <s:textfield name="resp[%{id}]" label="%{description}"
value="%{value}" /><br/>
        <s:submit type="button" name="ButtonF" id="Submit" value="Salvar"
method="save" cssClass="textc" />

I also tried:
<s:textfield name="resp.[%{id}]" label="%{description}" value="%{value}" /><br/>
<s:textfield name="resp.{%{id}}" label="%{description}" value="%{value}" /><br/>
<s:textfield name="resp{%{id}}" label="%{description}" value="%{value}" /><br/>

Have you looked at the generated HTML for any of the four options you tried? You should be looking for something like name="resp[1]".

IIRC, s:textfield's 'name' attribute is evaluated as OGNL, so the value you specify must be a valid OGNL expression. So your first attempt would be roughly equivalent to "%{resp[%{id}]}", which is obviously wrong... I'd try something like "${'resp['+id+']'}".

That said, why not just copy the data from the set into a map in the action before showing the form, and avoid the hassle of trying to convert from one data structure to another in the JSP?


to fill:

package org.unam.mcic.gqm.web;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.unam.mcic.metrics.gqm.Metric;
import org.unam.mcic.metrics.gqm.Questionaire;
import org.unam.mcic.metrics.gqm.RespondedQuestionaire;
import org.unam.mcic.metrics.repos.MetricDAO;
import org.unam.mcic.metrics.repos.QuestionaireDAO;

import com.ervacon.bitemporal.TimeUtils;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Preparable;

public class ResponseAction extends ActionSupport implements Preparable {
        protected Map<Long,Double> resp = new HashMap<Long,Double>();

        public void prepare() throws Exception {
        public String browse(){
        public Map<Long, Double> getResp() {
                return resp;

        public void setResp(Map<Long, Double> resp) {
                this.resp = resp;

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Miguel Ruiz Velasco S.

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