If the URLs you are substituting in are external to the web app, they don't need to be 's2-friendly'; an external site doesn't care about your Struts app's session ID, etc. If the URLs are (or may be) internal to the application, however, you do need to take care of that. In that case, use s:url tags directly, generating the attribute values (as opposed to trying to generate the entire s:url tag).

You haven't how you're exposing the URLs to the page (are they embeded in larger text blocks? Are they stand-alone text fields in the DB?) but essentially what you'd want is to be able to write something like this in your JSP:

... <s:url value="%{myurl}"/> ...

where 'myurl' is either a property containing the URL with the PHP tags already stripped, or a method that looks up the URL and does the PHP tag stripping.

The key point is, you can't build something that generates the s:url tags themselves, you you can build something that generates the input data you need to feed to the s:url tags.


esemba wrote:
Thank you for your reply.
So you think there is now way, how to parse urls out of the text stored in
the db and make them s2-friendly (i mean jsessionid rewriting in case of
disabled cookies, etc.)?

esemba wrote:
i'm migrating my old php website to Struts 2 and have problem with url
management. In my db, i have urls tagged like this
[url]http://url.com/[/url]. In php, i just do regexp replace of this
url tags with proper html tags. I would need to do something like this in
struts 2, but want to use <s:url>. Best solution would be like this: In
jsp(ognl) replace every occurrence of [url]url string[/url] with <s:url value= ">.

That wouldn't work, since JSP custom action tags are processed at page compilation time; by the time your substitution happened (during page rendering) it's too late to introduce s:url tags.

I this case, you probably don't need s:url tags anyway; just use vanilla HTML ...

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