I am trying to Localize a dynamic message and would like some advice as to how 
I should go about it. My main goal is to keep the message itself as 'intact' as 
possible in my package.properties, doing this will (hopefully) speed up 
translation by an interpreter. Goals after that are to use the Struts 2 
software correctly and cleanly and also keep the amount of work needed to a 

Here's the dynamic message that I want to localize...

Welcome to SEA (Seattle International Airport) - Additional information about 
Hotels, Entertainment, Transportation, and Dining is available.

The "SEA" & "Seattle International Airport" parts of the message are dynamic. 
Also, the following words are dynamic links - "Hotels", "Entertainment", 
"Transportation", "Dining". Here is what the message looks like in my 
package.properties file...

welcomeMessage=Welcome to {0} ({1}) - Additional information about 
{2}Hotels{3}, {4}Entertainment{5}, {6}Transportation{7}, and {8}Dining{9} is 

In my JSP I do this to render the single line of text (I didn't verify that 
it's syntax correct)... 

<s:url var="urlHotel" value="http://www.somewebsite.com/hotels.do";>  <s:param 
name="airportCode">    <s:property value="airport.code"/>  
</s:param></s:url><s:url var="urlEntertainment" 
value="http://www.somewebsite.com/entertainment.do";>  <s:param 
name="airportCode">    <s:property value="airport.code"/>  
</s:param></s:url><s:url var="urlTransportation" 
value="http://www.somewebsite.com/transportation.do";>  <s:param 
name="airportCode">    <s:property value="airport.code"/>  
</s:param></s:url><s:url var="urlDining" 
value="http://www.somewebsite.com/dining.do";>  <s:param name="airportCode">    
<s:property value="airport.code"/>  </s:param></s:url><s:text 
name="welcomeMessage">  <s:param value="airport.code"/>  <s:param 
value="airport.name"/>  <s:param>    <a href="<s:property 
value="%{urlHotel}"/>">  </s:param>  <s:param value="'</a>'"/>  <s:param>    <a 
href="<s:property value="%{urlEntertainment}"/>">  </s:param>  <s:param 
value="'</a>'"/>  <s:param>    <a href="<s:property 
value="%{urlTransportation}"/>">  </s:param>  <s:param value="'</a>'"/>  
<s:param>    <a href="<s:property value="%{urlDining}"/>">  </s:param>  
<s:param value="'</a>'"/></s:text>

OK. Thanks for getting this far! I am concerned about the amount of JSP that is 
needed for my single dynamic message. Is that just how it is? Or perhaps my 
approach is flawed? Does anyone have any advice or perhaps a tutorial 
suggestion that provides examples 'advanced' localization examples?

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