Thanks Laurie,

If all you need to return is a number or true/false, simply write that to
> the response in your action method and return null

what do you mean writing to response? You mean using methods?
or some thing else?

The bottom line is that, once you understand what it is you want to return
> (a number, a boolean, a JSON data structure, etc.) the means by which you
> generate that response are up to you. Understand what the response ought to
> look like first, *then* worry about what your options are for generating it.

well I want to return the number of records got updated successfully and/or
the number of records failed to update. And please tell me what if I want to
get these two values same time. I think for this JSON is the way. If yes,
can you point out some resource to head. correct me if I m wrong.


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