Sorry for the misunderstanding.
The difference that you see between the form while loading and the form loaded comes from dojo widget only. Struts rewrites the tag <s:datetimepicker> with a call to dojo (in javascript) which is executed on the client side. You could find the process construction in dojo's source (widget>DatePicker.js).


Pablo Vázquez Blázquez a écrit :
Thank you Sébastien, but this is not actually my issue, but when does dojo do create the hidden inputs for each s:datetimepicker tag. (why if I have the form when loads and once it is loaded, they are different.)

Sébastien Domergue escribió:

We are using Struts 2 + Dojo too and it seems that datetimepicker separate informations into a list with two elements. The first one is the date and the second one is the time. Nevertheless, we still have problems to repopulate our inputs after an action. So we "rebuild" Strings to render informations.


Pablo Vázquez Blázquez a écrit :

I am using Struts 2.0.9 + dojo 0.4.

I would like to know when dojo adds two hidden inputs for each <s:datetimepicker> tag.

I have a topic that is published when I load a form and when I recieve the data and parse the form (type == "load"), it has "N" elements. When the form is rendered, if I see it in the DOM, it has N+2*m elements (where "m" is the number of s:datetimepicker tags the form has). So, why when I get the form from the data response in the subscribed topic those input tags are not present? When are they created?


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