
i wonder whats the best way to write back values taken from a Map or List.
Lets take this for example:

<s:iterator value="listofsets" status="status" id="set">
        <s:iterator value="#set.rules" id="setrules">
                <s:textfield name="rule_%{#set.id}_%{id}"  value="%{current}" />

The textfield got some integer value (taken from an object which is a list 
which was found in a list).
If i change it and want so save it, whats the best way to do this?

The default Paramsinterceptor does only tell me this:

No object in the CompoundRoot has a publicly accessible property 
named 'rule_10_2' (no setter could be found).

Of cause i've got no setter on the Action. But i've got to read them out, how 
to write them back?
Have i have to do this myself implementing ParameterNameAware or 
ParameterAware? Or is there some way to let struts2 handle this?


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