Hello all,

I've got  an older application built using xwork (1.x) and Velocity for all
of the html presentation pages. It also made use of several custom velocity
tags/directives that used the webwork based VelocityManager as well as the
velocity.app.VelocityEngine to build Templates.

On the actual .vm pages there is heavy use of the following formats:
- '#tag( TextField ...' - type tags (as opposed to the newer
'#stextfield(...' tags).
- Custom tags like: '#tag( Component "template=/templates/errorMessages.vm"
"params.value=actionErrors" )'
- #tag( *tagname* "value='login.submit'" "align=right" ) - where the actual
text for  'login.submit' is held in a properties file.

So - I'd like to upgrade to struts2 but am having a heck of a time finding
struts2 velocity specific documentation that will help me make the migration
without having to re-write the hundreds of .vm pages the application has.
I've looked at all of the struts documenction :
http://struts.apache.org/2.x/ as well as playing with the showcase
application. This information is great for someone starting off new but not
that helpful for someone in my position.

I've spent a couple of days messing with the velocity.properties, web.xml,
struts.xml and struts.properties files but haven't had much luck.

Is this possible? If so, I could sure use some Help!

Thanks in advance.

Carlo Latasa

Carlo Latasa
Cell: (415) 385-1567

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