Try using html:options instead of optionsCollection.

elyes sallem wrote:
> Hello,
> i have a html:select in a html:form
> this select is build from a List<String> valLis, defined in an actionForm
> i used the html:select in a list of object , it work
> but now it is a list of string, so i have not value and label
> i need just to recuperate the value and set the list of string
> what must i add as attribute to html:optionCollection,
> here is html:select
> <nested:select property="selectedVal" >
> <html:optionsCollection property="valList" name="intaffForm" />
> </nested:select>
> Regards
> Elyes.

 Mark Shifman MD. Ph.D.
 Yale Center for Medical Informatics
 Phone (203)737-5219

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