2008/12/11 Lyallex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Experts
> I have an application that supports a number of roles including staff
> and manager

Er, apologies for this ... another google search has uncovered
It seems to do what I wanted ... there is another problem which I will
try to solve before posting again.

looks sheepish :-(

> I have a resource (/secure/staff/staff.jsp) that is protected by a
> security constraint in web.xml
> <security-constraint>
>        ...
>        <web-resource-collection>
>                ...
>                <url-pattern>/secure/staff/*</url-pattern>
>        </web-resource-collection>
>        <auth-constraint>
>                <role-name>staff</role-name>
>        </auth-constraint>
> </security-constraint>
> ...
> If I log in as a manager and try to directly access
> ../myapp/secure/staff/staff.jsp I get a 403 Forbidden
> If log in as a manager and try to access the resource via an action
> that forwards to the resource on SUCCESS
> for example ../myapp/SomeAction.action is defined in staff.xml (which
> is included in struts.xml) thusly
> <action name="AddStaffAccount" class="foo.bar.baz.SomeAction"
> method="someMethod">
>        <result name="success">/secure/staff/staff.jsp</result>
>   ...
> </action>
> I get access to the protected resource even though I am logged in as
> an account that does not have that role.
> I'm relatively new to Struts having mostly developed in plain old J2EE
> jsp/servlets
> Somehow I need to be able to apply the security constraint when the
> action forwards to the resource on success.
> I really don't want to have to start testing roles in my actions as
> this seems to negate the benefits of using declarative security.
> I can't find anything about this in my book (Struts2 in Action).
> Any advice much appreciated
> Thanks

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