Could you guys just tell me where the #stext velocity macro is defined? PLEASE!?

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 4:16 PM, James Carr <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We're currently using struts 2 and using velocity in order to include
> some existing templates from another project. Everything has been
> working great... until we try to use i18n with parameters. I've read
> all the pages on the struts 2 site, there's no clear example of what
> we're supposed to do to just pass a parameter in for a translatable
> component in velocity. In jsp we just use:
> <s:text key="foo.prop">
>  <s:param name="value">bar</s:param>
> </s:text>
> with a property file like:
> foo.prop=Hi my name is {0}
> I posted this before, but am reposting in hopes of making my question
> clearer. Is the velocity result type just outright broken? And if it
> is, could it be fixed please? I searched the source for the velocity
> macro for #stext, but no luck... i only found text.vm which is just a
> velocity macro for inputs of type text.
> Please give me a hint... I'd rather use the framework rather than
> resort to some custom solution to an everyday task. :(
> Thanks,
> James

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