Thanks, but the last paragraph was what I was asking for - I want to know, how to get 
localized message from bundle in scriptlet in JSP because I didn't find other way how 
to insert localized message from bundle to tiles tag - and globaly to any tag from 
some special tag library, where I can't use OGNL and struts2 <s:text /> tag.

Thanks for example, I didn't find this in documentation.


------------ Původní zpráva ------------
Od: Jeromy Evans <>
Předmět: Re: struts2 and tiles
Datum: 31.1.2009 12:04:44
On 31/01/2009, at 6:23 AM, Tom Pop wrote:

> Hello,
> please, can you show me on this example how to convert tiles from > struts1 to struts2?
> This example defines localized page title attribute passed to
> template in struts1:
> <bean:define id="messages" name="<%=
> org.apache.struts.Globals.MESSAGES_KEY %>"
> type="org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources"/>
> <bean:define id="locale" name="locale" type="java.util.Locale"
> scope="session" />
> <%
>    String docTitle = messages.getMessage(locale, "page.title");
> %>
> <tiles:insertDefinition name="layout-main">
>    <tiles:putAttribute name="document-title"          value="<%= docTitle
> %>" />
> </tiles:insertDefinition>

Tiles2 is used the same way in Struts 2 as in Struts 1. Include the tiles dependencies and its listener and the insertDefintion tag will work within a JSP as you'd expect. Include the tiles plugin for
improved integration (eg.  tiles result type).

What you DO need to change in your example is the use of bean:define and the inline scriptlet which are unrelated to Tiles and unnecessary
in Struts 2.  Reading one of the articles about upgrading from Struts
1 to Struts 2 will help you understand this (plus the Struts2 pages on

Hope that helps,
Jeromy Evans

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