Solved; it turns out that the <table> tags in the form were somehow causing this problem.


On 2/2/2009 11:06 AM, Christopher Maloof wrote:

I've just installed Struts 2.1.6, and I'm converting a form to use Ajax validation. It's mostly working nicely, except that the input fields and errors don't clear after a submission. (Ideally, errors should always clear, and input fields should clear if validation succeeds.) The errors show up properly; they just don't go away when the user tries submitting again.

Is there some parameter I haven't found that will make this work, or do I need to set things up differently? Everything else works so smoothly, I hope maybe I'm just missing something small... relevant snippets of code below.




<!-- This is the form that gets validated -->
<s:form action="addResearcher">
<s:textfield name="name" label="Name" />
<s:textfield name="email" label="E-mail" />
<sx:submit value="Add researcher" align="left" validate="true" ajaxAfterValidation="true" targets="researcherlist" id="add_submit" />

<!-- Produce a table with the current list of researchers -->
<s:url id="researcherTableURL" action="researcherTable" />
<sx:div href="%{#researcherTableURL}" id="researcherlist" preload="true" loadingText="Loading researchers...">

<action name="addResearcher" class="mypackage.ResearcherTable" method="addResearcher">
<interceptor-ref name="jsonValidationWorkflowStack"/>

<action name="researcherTable" class="mypackage.ResearcherTable">

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