> I was not able to do it, despite trying a million different forms as well as 
> suggestions by some folks in strust mailing list.
> I do not think you will be able to access the param value passed to s:include 
> within struts tag [clearly an obvious shortcoming]. Your best bet is using 
> jsp expression language as the parameter is put in request scope.

Indeed a shortcoming, and a frustrating one.
Wouldn this be partially fixed if, when the  s:include/s:param are
evaluated, the params are also put into the "parameters" object in the
ActionContext? Are there good reasons to not doing so ?

BTW, although I much prefer Struts2 over Struts1, the fact that many
developers -not gurus, but with some months of s2 experience-
frequently need to try "million different forms" ( # % $ .... params
parameters etc etc) till (in the best scenario) it happens to work,
should tell something...

Hernán J. González

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