i have a select component associated with a property selectedProject
the problem is after calling the action (with an onchange event), in the
action i get the correct project id , but i lost the project label
so , after the action call, it displays the wrong project (as i said but the
project id is corect)
here is the code in the jsp and the getter and the setter of the properties

<nested:nest property="selectedProject">                                        
<nested:select property="prjId"
<html:optionsCollection property="projetList" value="prjId" label="prjLib" />

        public Projet getSelectedProject() {
                return selectedProject;

        public void setSelectedProject(Projet selectedProject) {
                this.selectedProject = selectedProject;
java.util.List<Projet> projetList = new ArrayList<Projet>();
        public java.util.List<Projet> getProjetList() {
                return projetList;

        public void setProjetList(java.util.List<Projet> projetList) {
                this.projetList = projetList;

Any one has an idea why?


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