Good Evening John

i found this link helpful for explaining namespace and action resolution

Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 16:12:59 -0600
> From:
> Subject: Re: <s:url> does not include parameter
> To:
> OK, makes perfect sense now.  Thanks to both Dave and Jeroen for your 
> prompt replies!
> --john
> Dave Newton wrote:
> > wrote:
> >> I'm trying to understand why the following does not produce a URL w/ the
> >> requested parameter appended. Can someone please help me?
> >>
> >> var url = "<s:url action="ListFeatures" 
> >> namespace="/secure/json"><s:param name="status" value="ALL" /></s:url>";
> >>
> >> //produces '/scufn/secure/json/ListFeatures.action'
> >
> > You probably don't have an action property named "ALL".
> >
> > The "value" attribute is an OGNL expression, not an immediate string. 
> > If you want to use an immediate string, quote it:
> >
> > <s:url action="ListFeatures" namespace="/secure/json">
> >   <s:param name="status" value="'ALL'" />
> > </s:url>
> >
> > Using OGNL's %{} escape sequence can make it absolutely clear what's 
> > going on (and add visual separation):
> >
> > <s:param name="status" value="%{'ALL'}" />
> >
> > Dave
> >
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