Thanks. Yeah, that's good practice. Didn't seem to fix my problem though. That still evaluated to false.

Pierre Lavignotte wrote:

you should consider comparing strings with the equals() method  :


Pierre Lavignotte
Ingénieur Conception & Développement

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Terry Gardner <>wrote:

try <s:if test='%{#parameters.status == "invalid"}'>

On Apr 17, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Russell Neufeld wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm still coming up the learning curve on Struts2, and I've come across
something I can't explain.  Hopefully you guys out there can help me
understand this.  I have a request parameter "status" set to "invalid" which
I'd like to access from within a JSP.  If I use the following line:

<s:property value="#parameters.status"/>

 I see "invalid" written to the HTML, which is what I expect.  However, if
I try to use that in an expression, like this:

<s:if test='#parameters.status == "invalid"'>

 this always evaluates to false.  Similarly, this:

<s:property value="#parameters.status == 'invalid'"/>

 prints out "false" to the HTML output.  However, if I do the following:

<s:set var="foo">bar</s:set>
<s:property value="#foo == 'bar'"/>

 that prints out "true" to the HTML output.  Yet this:

<s:set var="status" value="#parameters.status"/>
<s:property value="#status == 'invalid'"/>

 prints out "false" to the HTML output.

 Can someone help me understand this behaviour please?  Any ideas on how
to compare a request parameter to a string literal?  Thanks,


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