I have a JSP page that is very commonly used all throughout the application
(with minor tweaks).

here is the snippet form struts.xml for it:

 <action name="ReportSelectionAction"
    <result name="failure">login.jsp</result>

The action class ReportSelection has bunch of getters/setters and logic in
it.  The jsp that it goes to is IncomeReportselection_struts2.jsp.  The JSP
has some labels that are specific to 'IncomeReport' If I want to make this
jsp general, I want to change to labels to something more specific to where
the action came from.

is there a way to retrieve the action name in the action class?? like in the
above example, is there a way to retrieve action name
"ReportSelectionAction" in the "ReportSelection" class?

Why I want to do that is that way I can set labels in the action class.
something like

If (actionName.equals("ReportSelectionAction"))
    setLabel1("Income Report");
else if (actionName.equals("SomeOtherReportSelectionAction"))
    setLabel1("Some Other Report Selection");

Then my struts.xml will have this.
 <action name="ReportSelectionAction"
    <result name="failure">login.jsp</result>

 <action name="SomeOtherReportSelectionAction"
    <result name="failure">login.jsp</result>

and in JSP IncomeReportSelection.jsp I can do <s:property value="label1"/>

Is this a good approach or is there a better way to achieve this?


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