

I have a form which uses struts tag “textfield” and “text”. The default font
style for label generated for textfield appears to be italic while the one
for text is normal. 


e.g. for 


       <s:textfield key="username" name="userAccount.username"
required="true" />


The html code generated by struts are (seen by the browser’s view source.):



         <td class="tdLabel"><label for="form_userAccount_username"
class="label">Username<span class="required">*</span>:</label></td>

         <td><input type="text" name="userAccount.username" value=""


The label name “Username” is displayed in Italic (I suppose this is
controlled by either the tdLabel or label class). 


I want to change Username’s font style to normal (non-italic) and so have
tried cssStyle and cssClass for the textfield but it seems they are only
applied to the input field element rather than the label one.


I have searched the internet but no luck in finding an answer.


It would be much appreciated if anyone could help.


Many thanks in advance,




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