Read the section on the config file elements in struts.xml on the Struts2 docs site. Also read the Interceptors guide[1].

You have to specify the interceptor stack on the action. You can use the <default-interceptor-ref> element to specify what stack to use by default.

And what you've defined is not an interceptor stack - it's just an interceptor alone. What you want to do is specify something like this:

<interceptor name="adminLogin" class="com.mycompany.myproduct.AdminInterceptor"/>
        <interceptor-stack name="adminStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
                <interceptor-ref name="adminLogin"/>

That adds the admin interceptor to the bottom of the basic interceptor stack.

Look at the docs - you'll get a faster answer than coming to the mailing list with every question. They really are very good docs, as docs go.



On 21 May 2009, at 16:00, Stefano Tranquillini wrote:


but i definide in struts my interceptors in this way:

<package name="admin" extends="default" namespace="/admin">
<interceptor name="adminLogin" class="interceptors.AdminLogin"/>

in order to use the interceptors only when namespace is /admin/*

but the interceptor is never called!


where i've to put the globalforward?
i putted a the end of the sturts.xml

something like that

       <forward name="denied" path="/deniedShow.action"/>

has to be inside package or something else?

the error is:

2009-05-21 16:56:51,171 ERROR [com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.DomHelper]
(HDScanner) Element type "global-forwards" must be declared. at
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type "global-forwards" must be declared.

2009/5/21 Stefano <>:
2009/5/21 Paweł Wielgus <>:
global forward


but i definide in struts my interceptors in this way:

 <package name="admin" extends="default" namespace="/admin">
<interceptor name="adminLogin" class="interceptors.AdminLogin"/>

in order to use the interceptors only when namespace is /admin/*

but the interceptor is never called!





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