--assuming you have this validation setup for your username from 
        <field name="requiredValidatorField">
                <field-validator type="required">
                        <message><![CDATA[ required ]]></message>
referencong doc from
//the abstract class determines navigation and flow (input being the first page)
//success and or error being the end result
    <package name="validationExamples" extends="struts-default" 
namespace="/validation" >        
        <!-- ======================== -->
        <!-- === Field Validators === -->
        <!-- ======================== -->
        <action name="showFieldValidatorsExamples" 
            <result name="input" 
        <action name="submitFieldValidatorsExamples" 
            <result name="input" 

        <action name="submitFieldValidatorsExamples" 
            <result name="input" 

//determing where dispatcher mapped to is defined here
<result-type name="dispatcher" 
class="org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ServletDispatcherResult" default="true"/>

/* <pre><!-- START SNIPPET: example -->
 * &lt;result name="success" type="dispatcher"&gt;
 *   &lt;param name="location"&gt;foo.jsp&lt;/param&gt;
 * &lt;/result&gt;
 * <!-- END SNIPPET: example --></pre>
 * This result follows the same rules from {...@link StrutsResultSupport}.
 * @see javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher
public class ServletDispatcherResult extends StrutsResultSupport {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1970659272360685627L;

    private static final Logger LOG = 

    public ServletDispatcherResult() {

    public ServletDispatcherResult(String location) {

     * Dispatches to the given location. Does its forward via a 
RequestDispatcher. If the
     * dispatch fails a 404 error will be sent back in the http response.
     * @param finalLocation the location to dispatch to.
     * @param invocation    the execution state of the action
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs. If the dispatch fails the error 
will go back via the
     *                   HTTP request.
//if action returns input doExecute would take location of 
/validation/fieldValidatorsExample.jsp and route to
 //<result name="input" 

    public void doExecute(String finalLocation, ActionInvocation invocation) 
throws Exception {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Forwarding to location " + finalLocation);

        PageContext pageContext = ServletActionContext.getPageContext();

        if (pageContext != null) {
        } else {
            HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest();
            HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse();
            RequestDispatcher dispatcher = 

            //add parameters passed on the location to #parameters
            // see WW-2120
            if (invocation != null && finalLocation != null && 
finalLocation.length() > 0
                    && finalLocation.indexOf("?") > 0) {
                String queryString = 
finalLocation.substring(finalLocation.indexOf("?") + 1);
                Map parameters = (Map) 
                Map queryParams = UrlHelper.parseQueryString(queryString, true);
                if (queryParams != null && !queryParams.isEmpty())

            // if the view doesn't exist, let's do a 404
            if (dispatcher == null) {
                response.sendError(404, "result '" + finalLocation + "' not 


            // If we're included, then include the view
            // Otherwise do forward
            // This allow the page to, for example, set content type
            if (!response.isCommitted() && 
(request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.include.servlet_path") == null)) {
                request.setAttribute("struts.view_uri", finalLocation);

                dispatcher.forward(request, response);
            } else {
                dispatcher.include(request, response);

//ServletDispatcherResult only handles navigation
//we still dont know how this validation is achieved until we look at 
<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC 
          "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN" 
    <validator name="required" 

how does the 
FieldValidatorsExampleAction-submitFieldValidatorsExamples-validation.xml get 
To define validation rules for an Action, create a file named 
in the same package as the Action. You may also create alias-specific
validation rules which add to the default validation rules defined in 
ActionName-validation.xml by creating another file in the same directory named 
ActionName-aliasName-validation.xml.  In both cases,  ActionName is the name of 
the Action class, and aliasName is the name of the Action alias defined in the 
xwork.xml configuration for the Action. 

The framework will also search up the inheritance tree of the Action
to find validation rules for directly implemented interfaces and parent
classes of the Action. This is particularly powerful when combined with
ModelDriven Actions and the VisitorFieldValidator.  Here's an example of how 
validation rules are discovered.  Given the following class structure:

interface Animal;interface Quadraped extends Animal;class AnimalImpl implements 
Animal;class QuadrapedImpl extends AnimalImpl implements Quadraped;class Dog 
extends QuadrapedImpl;

The framework method will look for the following config files if Dog is to be 


While this process is similar to what the XW:Localization
framework does when finding messages, there are some subtle
differences. The most important difference is that validation rules are
discovered from the parent downwards.
//how do i enable ValidationInterceptor in my webapp?
    <package name="example">
            <interceptor name="validator" 

a worthwhile read to understanding xwork validation framework is available 

Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 06:18:36 -0400
> From: newton.d...@yahoo.com
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: Re: SV: RequiredString Validation doesn't work and 
> AbstractValidationActionSupport   is missing?
> Niklas Johansson wrote:
> > P.S. AbstractValidationActionSupport doesn’t seem to be included in the
> > Struts2 (2.1.6) framework anyhow, couldn’t find it in any jar. But there are
> > quite a few so perhaps I missed it.
> It's in the showcase application, like I said before.
> > Från: Martin Gainty [mailto:mgai...@hotmail.com] 
> >> do NOT extend ActionSupport as ActionSupport doesnt contain Field 
> >> Validation
> >> Lofic
> Here's the source for AbstractValidationActionSupport:
> public abstract class AbstractValidationActionSupport
>                  extends ActionSupport {
>      public String submit() throws Exception {
>          return "success";
>      }
>      public String input() throws Exception {
>          return "input";
>      }
> }
> Please explain to us what you mean, both how the above method adds field 
> validation logic, and how ActionSupport doesn't.
> Dave
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