>> How can I use the popup window to call a div of the parent form The window.open function returns a reference to the opened window. You can change your window.open (url... ) To read var newWin = window.open(url... ) newWin.opener = window; Then you'd have an "opener" attribute in your opened window that points to the original window; this can be used to get the div: window.opener.document.getElementById("somediv")
Personally, I would drop the use of the window and implement a CSS-styled modal div of some sort. -----Original Message----- From: tutul [mailto:shubhrakarma...@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 12:34 PM To: user@struts.apache.org Subject: Re: [S2] why is javascript executed before DOM is updated Hi, I am sorry to hijack this thread but I have a similar question. I have a parent form and upon clicking a link, it opens up a popup window to add some form fields. When the user saves this form in the popup, a part of parent window should get updated. How can I use the popup window to call a div of the parent form. Below I am giving a snippet of my jsp. the javascript addEditAudit method will open up a jsp and upon submitting the form in the popup, the popup should update the <div id="details"></div> part. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated function addEditAudit(url) { window.open (url, "addEditWindow", "height=400, width=700"); } </script> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /> </head> <s:i18n name="com.hmsonline.auditgui.web.Messages"> <center> <div class="dataTableHeader"><s:text name="label.auditpiids" />${hmsId}</div> <s:form name="addEditAuditForm" action="SaveAuditsAction" id="addEditAuditForm" method="POST" theme="simple"> <table align="center" class="dataTable" border="1"> <tr class="formField"> <th><s:text name="audit.id" /></th> <th><s:text name="audit.type" /></th> <th><s:text name="audit.duedate" /></th> <th><s:text name="audit.source" /></th> <th><s:text name="audit.data" /></th> <th><s:text name="audit.comments" /></th> <th><s:text name="audit.status" /></th> </tr> <s:iterator value="auditRequestsGui" status="stat"> <tr> <s:hidden name="auditRequestsGui[%{#stat.index}].id" /> <td><s:property value="id" /></td> <td><s:property value="type" /></td> <td><s:property value="dueDate" /></td> <td><s:property value="source" /></td> <td> <table> <s:iterator value="auditData" status="aData"> <tr> <td><s:property value="key" />:</td> <td><s:property value="value" /></td> </tr> </s:iterator> </table> </td> <td><s:textarea cols="15" rows="4" id="comment" name="auditRequestsGui[%{#stat.index}].auditorComments">${auditorComment s}</s:textarea> </td> <td> <s:select name="auditRequestsGui[%{#stat.index}].status" id="auditRequestsGui[%{#stat.index}].status" list="statuses" disabled="true" /> <br/> javascript:addEditAudit('AddEditAuditRequestAction.action') Add/Update <br/> # Undo Changes </td> </tr> </s:iterator> <div id="details"> <div> </table> <div align="center"> <table> <tr> <td><s:submit key="button.submit" cssClass="actionButton" /></td> <td><s:reset key="button.cancel" cssClass="actionButton" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> </s:form></center> </s:i18n> </html> </jsp:root> -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/-S2--why-is-javascript-executed-before-DOM-is-upda ted-tp14313561p23854865.html Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: user-unsubscr...@struts.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: user-h...@struts.apache.org Notice: This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains information of Merck & Co., Inc. (One Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, USA 08889), and/or its affiliates (which may be known outside the United States as Merck Frosst, Merck Sharp & Dohme or MSD and in Japan, as Banyu - direct contact information for affiliates is available at http://www.merck.com/contact/contacts.html) that may be confidential, proprietary copyrighted and/or legally privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named on this message. If you are not the intended recipient, and have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete it from your system. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: user-unsubscr...@struts.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: user-h...@struts.apache.org