Martin, I was in an assumption that Nodes will created by itself when you 
use that<sx:tree> tag, however when i try to execute that action, 
treeNodeTitle property is getting a null value and that caused the error, 
it took a while to figure where the error is coming from, its always poing 
me to some .ftl file which we have no control to edit that file.  So I 
have initiated that by calling getproperty in java class and returned a 
string value, works fine. I have send the complete sample code just in 
case anybody wants to create a dynamic tree in future and also for our 

Thanks & Regards
Bala T Ramanadham

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Martin Gainty <> 
06/18/2009 03:26 PM
Please respond to
"Struts Users Mailing List" <>

Struts Users Mailing List <>

RE: Struts2 Error

doc says that nodeTitleProperty is an struts tree attribute as in this 

<!-- Creating tree dynamically using data from backing action. -->
           childCollectionProperty="..." />

is that what you have in your jsp?
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> To:
> Subject: Fw: Struts2 Error
> From:
> Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:22:50 -0700
> Hi, Can anybody help me with the error below
> 6/18/09 13:07:47:968 PDT] 0000001d runtime       E 
> Expression stack.findValue(parameters.nodeTitleProperty) is undefined on 

> line 23, column 48 in template/ajax/treenode-include.ftl.
> The problematic instruction:
> ----------
> ==> ${stack.findValue(parameters.nodeTitleProperty)} [on line 23, column 

> 46 in template/ajax/treenode-include.ftl]
>  in include "/${parameters.templateDir}/ajax/treenode-include.ftl" [on 
> line 124, column 5 in template/ajax/tree.ftl]
> ----------
> Java backtrace for programmers:
> ----------
> freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression 
> stack.findValue(parameters.nodeTitleProperty) is undefined on line 23, 
> column 48 in template/ajax/treenode-include.ftl.
>         at freemarker.core.TemplateObject.assertNonNull(
>         at 
> Thanks & Regards
> Bala T Ramanadham
> NOTICE TO RECIPIENT:  If you are not the intended recipient of this 
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> delete this e-mail and any attachments without reading, forwarding or 
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