Pawel , can you expalin  with a example. I am totally new to struts.

I tried with another way.

Ie by adding a 'selected' field to the EmployeeBean. 

<logic:iterate id="EmployeeBean" name="EMPLOYEE" scope="session">
        <td> <bean:write name=" EmployeeBean" property="employee_name" /></td>
        <td> <bean:write name=" EmployeeBean" property="employee_salary" /></td>
        <td><html:checkbox name=" EmployeeBean" property="selected" 
onchange="checkEmployee();" > </html:checkbox>      

Now I am getting the values of selected as false in the Action. Even though I 
have selected it.
I am using a action form for the some other elements in the same view.

Could you guys can through some light on how to make this work?


-----Original Message-----
From: Paweł Wielgus [] 
Sent: 20 June 2009 10:40
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Doubt with using check box

Hi Vishnu,
on the html page you will have a list of checkboxes with the same name
"selectedEmployees" and a value of an employee identificator. In the
action create settet setSelectedEmloyees(String[] selectedEmployees),
then in execute You can access this table of employee identificators.
Just as a side note, i don't know what type of is your employee
identificator, so i proposed String, but it can also be long.

Best greetings,
Pawel Wielgus.

2009/6/20, Vishnu Vyasan Nelliparmbil <>:
> Hi Friends,
> I am new to web development and struts. I have a simple question.
> I am using <logic:iterate> tag to iterate through a list of Employees
> and display their details.
> The list contains the Employee objects.
> Now while displaying Employee details in a table, the row is ending with
> a check box , so that the user can select employees. The check boxes are
> created dynamically since they are inside the iterate tag.
> Now how in Action I know that a specific employee is selected?
> In action form I would get whether the check box is selected or not. But
> how can I relate that to employees in list?
> Thanks in Advance
> vishnu

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