Step into the debugger. I am sure you can find out why a blank page is
displayed by trapping an exception.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Luis Esquivel<> wrote:
> Hello Thank you for your response!
> Yes Actually I made a mistake on my email.  We were using 1.2 prior.
> We went through the link you sent me here and followed it to the letter.
> What we are hopping is that somebody might have come across this type or 
> problems that might be able to help us.
> Please let me know if you have any other suggestion.
> Thanks!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Girish Naik []
> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 10:13 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Struts 1.3.10 problem
> May be this will bring some help:
> But what i feel is that the app should have been upgraded to 1.2 first then
> from there to 1.3 ?
> Regards,
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Girish Naik
> Mobile:-+91-09740091638
> George Carlin<>
> - "Electricity is really just organized lightning."
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 2:59 AM, Luis Esquivel <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We are seeing a problem with this version of struts that we haven't been
>> able to resolve.  I hope somebody can help.
>> We had an old app in struts 1.1.X and decided to upgrade to 1.3.10.
>> The application that has been working for quite a few years stopped
>> working after doing the upgrade.
>> Here is what happens:
>> I have an action declaration as such -
>>    <action-mappings>
>>        <action path="/AForm"
>>                type="com.package.AClassAction"
>>                name="aForm"
>>                scope="session"
>>                input="/AForm.jsp"
>>                validate="true">
>>            <forward name="success" path="/AForm.jsp"/>
>>        </action>
>>    </action-mappings>
>> When the action gets called, I get a blank page.  The only way this
>> works is if I add the "redirect=true" attribute to the <forward> tag.
>> The .jsp file in this case AForm.jsp does get called as I can see the
>> logging I added to see if it was even hitting that .jsp.  We need it to
>> work without having to specify the redirect=true attribute.
>> I have run the examples that are packaged in the struts 1.3.10
>> distribution and they all run fine on our server configuration.
>> Does anyone have any idea as to what could be causing this error?  If I
>> switch jar files and change the dtd's to the older struts, the
>> application works ok.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.   Let me know if you need more
>> information than what I have given in this email.
>> Thanks!
>> Luis Esquivel
>> Application Development
>> Public Employees' Retirement Assoc. of Colorado
>> 1300 Logan Street
>> Denver, CO 80203
>> 303 - 837 - 6296

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