Yes, and not. It is a good idea to remove any interceptor that you
don't need, like i18n for example, or the double params if you are not
using it. Before making any assumptions I would suggest you to profile
your application, and see what is consuming the mos memory and time.
Just to save you some time (because I just spend sometime myself on
this), I would suggest you to use the profiler that comes with

You will have to run your application with the JRockit jre to use it.
It is free, and by far the best profiler I have ever used. With that
in hand you can come back with some data, and then we can probably
make some suggestions.

Check this also:


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Say Jon<> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have been using Struts 2 for a while for some of my web apps. Performance
> is OK. I'm getting less than 400ms when I use the timerinterceptor for a
> regular "retrieve" operation. I'm just wondering, with the interceptor
> architecture it seems that there are many "layers" to go thru' when S2 is
> used. More so when we use the param, prepare, param pattern where the param
> interceptor is actually applied twice. Is this bad for memory consumption
> and execution speed?
> I'm also facing a problem when I deploy my S2 / Spring / Hibernate
> applications. Its sad that I almost have to get a min. of 512mb VPS for a
> fairly small - mid scale ecommerce application when my competitors in the
> market can deploy a PHP ecommerce application on a regular shared hosting
> which is much cheaper. Any similar experiences? Its really bad when we are
> talking about Java S2 + Spring + Hibernate hosting because the memory
> consumption is huge!
> All comments are welcomed!
> Regards.
> W.SayJon
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