

Our J2EE server (Sybase EAServer 6.1) has been complaining about my struts 2
application when I deploy it.  After some digging, it turns out that the
"tlibversion" in the Struts2 tld file is "invalid".  This seemed to happen
when I changed my project to Servlet 2.5.  


The Struts 2 tlibversion is 2.2.3, and I know that the 'tlibversion' can be
a dewey-decimal type, but from my memories of libraries, I don't remember it
being allowed to have 2 decimal points.  Does anybody know if this is a
failing of my server, or is this something that is a failing of Struts2?


In the mean time, I actually, at runtime, open up the Struts 2 Jar, and
modify the tld to "fix" it when deploying to that server.



Dan Slack

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