What I do, instead of chaining the global error result to an error action,
is I use ognl in my error.jsp page to call a method and pass the exception
so it can be logged etc.  In my base action class I have a
notifyAdmin(Exception) method.

In error.jsp:
<%-- Dummy expression to notify the admin --%>
<s:if test="notifyAdmin(exception)"></s:if>

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 12:03 AM, Bhaarat Sharma <bhaara...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Sorry I am a little confused.  Basically I need to be able to log the
> message by doing log.error(e.getMessage(), e);  However, if i catch the
> error and put it in the catch block then the global error page does not
> come
> up (I am assuming because the exception is caught?)
> If I do not catch the exception, then the error page shows up, however, I
> have no way to do log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
> After reading,
> http://struts.apache.org/2.0.6/docs/exception-configuration.html I though
> I
> can have a chainAction so something like.
> <package...>
>        <global-results>
>               <result name="Exception" type="chain">
>                  <param name="actionName">ErrorPage</param>
>                 <param name="namespace">/error</param>
>               </result>
>        </global-results>
>        <global-exception-mappings>
>            <exception-mapping exception="java.lang.Exception"
> result="Exception"/>
>        </global-exception-mappings>
>        <action name="selectionPage" class="reports.ReportSelection">
>            <result>/reports/SelectionPage.jsp</result>
>        </action>
> </package>
> <package name="secure"  namespace="/error">
>    <action name="ErrorPage" class="com.myErrorClass">
>        <result>errorpage.jsp</result>
>    </action>
> </package>
> So finally, if i do not catch the error, the control will go to
> com.myErrorClass.  Will I be able to do log.error(e.getMessage(), e); in
> that class?? I dont think it will be available as originally the error was
> thrown in reports.ReportSelection class.
> I'd appreciate any help to guide me in right direction.
> Thanks

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