mg>understood..the gauntlet has been tossed
mg>what proof do you request?

> >
> > probably wise to beg off this particular plugin until all P1 bugs are 
> > quashed
> >
> Very insightful...
mg>thank you
> > the JSR268 readme and core sample is located at
> >
> >
> I'm not sure what you're trying to link to, but that only gives "The
> product you requested is not available at this time" for me.
mg>yep looks like admin is doing some maintenance
mg>i'll ping to see when he anticipates patches are operational

> > i would strongly suggest implementing your Portlets with JetSpeed 2 
> > released in May 2009
> > among the features:
> > Secure Access - Security based on standards, ACLsSingle Point of Entry 
> > (SSO, Federated) Enterprise Integration -  (EAI, integration 
> > points)Personalization - (customizers, skins) Dynamic Web Components - 
> > (portlets based on standards-in this case JSR268)
> > Scaleable, Component Architecture featuring multi-threading libraries
> >
> > there are roughly 17 rfcs the JSR-268 support ..get to know them on 
> > need-to-know basis
> >
> >
> I'd be very surprised if Jetspeed2 implements JSR-268...
> Nils-H
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