Hot Div Injection Vector - Service Pack 1  : a little know DHTML library used
exclusively by porn link aggregator sites.  I am surprised you didn't know

and Martin, I am so busy that I only make it back here periodically, but it
seems like everytime I do Musachy is giving you a beat down about another
total fail post.  It reminds me of a famous SNL skit with William Shatner,
"Shatner, I think you are the most ridiculously terrible actor ever born on
this Earth, and I get a thousand letters a day telling me the same thing.".
To which Shatner replies, "What is the word on the street about me?". 

Musachy Barroso wrote:
> The answer to your questions is 42. What in the name of  the Flying
> Spaghetti Monster are you talking about? It is not only that you add
> more questions that are not even related to the topic (FreeMarker,
> Velocity?). What is "HDIV-SP1"? not even google finds anything
> relevant about it. Then on top of that you post code from SPRING MVC
> examples (taken from here
> or
> In this community we encourage *people* to *help* each other and ask
> questions freely. "People" and "help" are the keywords here, your
> posts seem generated by a bot/script and are *not* helpful . I have
> seen you doing the same thing on other open source project mailing
> lists, would you please be so kind as to spare us your
> seemingly-random-generated-spam? You are confusing users and adding
> noise to the mailing list.
> And no, I can't just ignore you because your rants do confuse users
> which form the community that we, as struts developers try to help,
> and spend our free time supporting.
> musachy
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Martin Gainty<> wrote:
>> xwork supplies a ParameterFilterInterceptor
>> <interceptors>
>>  <interceptor name="parameterFilter"
>> class="com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.ParameterFilterInterceptor"/>
>> i dont see any security considerations here for HDIV-SP1?
>> could you explain which security features/functions would be provided by
>> HDIV-SP1?
>> would HDIV-SP1 be supported by either Freemarker or Velocity template
>> languages?
>> how would existing struts tags incorporate this 'additional'
>> functionality..presumable thru an additional attribute?
>> controller:
>>  <bean
>> class=""/>
>>  <!-- Most controllers will use the ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping
>> above, but
>>   for the index controller we are using ParameterizableViewController, so
>> we must define an explicit mapping for it.    -->
>>    <!-- The index controller. -->
>>    <bean name="indexController"
>>  class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.ParameterizableViewController"
>>          p:viewName="index" />
>>    <bean id="urlMapping"
>> class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
>>        <property name="mappings">
>>            <props>
>>                <prop key="/index.htm">indexController</prop>
>>            </props>
>>        </property>
>>    </bean>
>> what additional controller functionality would HDIV-SP1 provide which is
>> not already provided by spring ParameterizableViewController
>> ?
>> thanks,
>> Martin Gainty
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>>> From:
>>> Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 16:22:41 +0530
>>> Subject: Struts Security
>>> To:
>>> I want to integrate Struts2 (2.1.6) with HDIV using SPI (
>>> ProcessingParamter
>>> Integaration) define in link below.
>>> Is there any source or help avaliable for that. In this link there is
>>> integration for Struts 1.3.8. and web application is not downloaded
>>> properly
>>> given in link. Can any one provides Sample application of Struts2 + HDIV
>>> using SPI.
>>> --
>>> --------------------------
>>> Kamlesh Koringa
>> _________________________________________________________________
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>> Facebook.
> -- 
> "Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone?" Pink Floyd
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