Hi Martin,

Not exactly since I'd want my app to be agnostic.  Gotta love hibernate for it 
I'd figure it's the DBA's problem to make sure that the DBs stores unicode 
As for number & date formats, my app should be able to convert it on demand.
using Locale and NumberFormat classes.

----- Original Message ----
> From: Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <user@struts.apache.org>
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 10:00:47 AM
> Subject: RE: ResourceBundle with DB backend
> Unicode-enabled Databases can retrieve values localised to the database 
> configuration or locale parameter.
> The supplied locale parameter to Database query retrieves the 'localised' 
> value 
> from the db.
> do you have a specific DB vendor/version in mind?
> Martin Gainty 
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> > Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:16:34 -0700
> > From: tommy...@yahoo.com
> > Subject: ResourceBundle with DB backend
> > To: user@struts.apache.org
> > 
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > After reading through Localization and Formatting Date and Numbers, I'm 
> > unable 
> to find any information regarding using DB backend for ResourceBundle (by 
> Struts 
> specifically).  Suppose I have the proper DB structure to provide the proper 
> format & results as needed, how would I go about getting Struts 2.1.6 to use 
> it 
> instead of checking the properties files through out the directory/folder 
> hierarchy?  If I'm using Servlets+JSP, a custom class wouldn't be a problem.  
> I 
> know it's possible on ASP.NET since I've read about it on MSDN.
> > 
> > TIA,
> > Tommy
> > 
> > 
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