I have a twofold question.

The first is I have a session variable called 'sendto' which contains a string ('registrant','none', or 'everyone'). When the page with the radio buttons is rendered, I want to preselect based on whatever the value in the session hash for 'sendto' is set to.

        <div style="float: right; width: 150px;">
                Send email to:<br>
list="#{'none':'None','registrant':'This Registrant','everyone':'Everyone on this invoice'}"
                        value="#{sendto}" name="sendto" />

I woudl have thought the value="#{sendto}" would have done that, but it doesn't. I've checked and the session key 'sendto' does have the value 'registrant' in it.

Secondly - These render on a straight line, one right after another. I'd like line breaks <br> between each radio button. Is this possible?



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