I actually found a very useful sample project from here or

There, the apache people seems to be using s:a tag "targets" attribute
to put the result in the same div. (see list.jsp and index.jsp)

But for some reason I am not able to compile this project. (in eclipse)
I suppose because is old. Or maybe the transaction library jar was not
the correct one.
I am still trying.


BTW: I have not tried StrutsBuilder yet, but I wish it gets popular. I
never liked that much Eclipse and maven in windows xp cmd is so

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Dave Newton<> wrote:
> Ignacio Enriquez wrote:
>> Martin, Could you be more specific?
> *sigh*
>> I think that what I need is not update is actually reload a new
>> content inside the div. (this content is not static, it depends
>> on the initial form input)
> You don't show the form at all. Did you try using the form submit that uses
> the "targets" attribute to define a div (or divs) where the results of the
> submission should be?
>> but I don't know ajax calls and I am in kind of a hurry. (So no time
>> to learn very difficult ajax stuff)
> There are no shortcuts.
> Dave
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