Your exception mapping is likely throwing an exception then... think
of it like this -

1 Action gets invoked
2  Oh-No! an exception -> go to the exception page
3 Exception page invoked
4  Oh-No! an exception -> go to #2

Xwork's chain result explicitly checks that an infinite chain sequence
isn't happening. That's more or less the only thing the chain result
checks, so I would make sure this isn't the case.


On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Denny Erinjery
<> wrote:
> Anybody have any ides about this??
> I try to do an additional action class with  redirectAction after the
> first chaining using a second action to avoid the 500 error but that
> didn't help me, debugging into the ActionChain interceptor from xworks
> shows that it went to an infinte error  after checking the
> chaininghistory
> Thanks
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Denny Erinjery []
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 3:04 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: excpetion chaining to custom exception handler issue
> HI,
> I'm using a global exception handler action class to get the exception
> details and display it on a custom error page.
> Following is the struts xml configuration
>        <global-results>
>                        <result name="Excpetion" type="chain">
>                                <param
> name="actionName">UnhandledExceptionHandler</param>
>                                <!-- param
> name="namespace">/namespaceWhereActionIsDefined</param -->
>                        </result>
>        </global-results>
>        <global-exception-mappings>
>            <exception-mapping exception=3D"java.lang.Exception"
> result="Excpetion"/>
>        </global-exception-mappings>
>        <action name="UnhandledExceptionHandler"
> class="com.timelink.falco.wui.struts.handlers.GlobalException">
>                    <result name=3D"error"
> type="dispatcher">/jsp/systemerror.jsp</result>
>        </action>
> Once my action class is invoked it will create my exception object using
> the current exception set by the struts setter as well as I get more
> details about the system at the time of the exception. In order to get
> the exception forwarded to my action class from the action where the
> exception occurs I use chaining in the result mapping
>        "<global-results>
>                        <result name="Excpetion" type="chain"> .... "
> This works and everything is populated on my error jsp page and the page
> gets displayed as expected. Now if I refresh this error page, although
> the actions go through the last exception path as expected, and my error
> handler class is executed, it will not display the error page again this
> time but will end up showing the following error=
> HTTP Status 500 - Infinite recursion detected: [//loginAction!login,
> //UnhandledExceptionHandler, //UnhandledExceptionHandler,
> //UnhandledExceptionHandler] - [unknown location]
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionChainResult.execute(
> :203)
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.executeResult(DefaultAct
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(DefaultActionInvo
> org.apache.struts2.impl.StrutsActionProxy.execute(
> :52)
> org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.serviceAction(
> 68)
> org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher.doFilter(FilterDispatcher
> .java:395)
> After this error if I refresh the above page(HTTP Status 500) , it will
> once again show my error page and a refresh on that page will bring back
> the error 500 again!!! This keeps on doing on consecutive refresh. This
> will go away if I use "redierctAction" in place of "chain" but then I
> will lost the information about the exception once it reached in my
> exception handling action class Please tell me is this a problem on my
> error handling or a sturts issue.
> Thanks
> Denny
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Wes Wannemacher

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